Dear Diary,
You will not believe the awful, horrible, terrifying, dreadful, excruciating day that I just had. I almost killed myself. It all started when I was just sitting my room, with all the curtains closed and the lights off, wasting the day away waiting for night. I was talking up a myself that is. Romeo and I were going to spend our fist night together... :)!!! I was so excited, when the Nurse came in my room, soaking my floor and my shirt in tears (it was her and me come to think of it...). She came in bawling, choking out words that didn't seem to fit. There was a 'Romeo' and 'he's dead'. At first I thought that Romeo was killed... :,( She then sputtered through the waterfall of tears that Romeo was indeed alive, but not for long if he remain in our city of Verona. She then told me that this was because Romeo killed my cousin Tybalt, only two hours after our marriage. As you could have imagined, I was pretty confused and sad about the whole ordeal.... For a second I was angry at Romeo...after all he did murder my cousin. For about 5 seconds, I wanted to bit his head off, then I came to my senses and snapped out of it. Nurse said, "Shame come to Romeo!" and this I could not stand for. I yelled in his defence, "How dare you speak about my husband in that way!" My love for my newly married husband is much greater then my love towards Tybalt. My whole body was violently shaking as I shouted, "If Romeo didn't kill Tybalt, then my husband would be DEAD!" At his moment, I realized that Romeo was alive, great, but he was also BANI-SHED! The nurse then went off to find Romeo, who was in Friar Laurence's cell. I gave her a ring which she was asked to give to Romeo. That was the ring that he gave me on our wedding night, and was a token of our love. I thought that he would be pretty sad as well. It was supposed to cheer him up. No matter what he did, I would have still loved him. The nurse returned and to my delight, with my husband.
I woke up, with Romeo by my side. He told me that it was morning; I told him that it was still wonderful, cool night. Romeo was by my side as it should always be. Sadly, it was not the case. Because of Romeo's banishment, he had to leave or he would be killed. We said our farewells and adieus. Oh, my heart pains with sorrow every second he is not here beside me.
With Romeo gone, and my house awakening, Mother came in to talk with me about Tybalt's death. I should go into acting, because I was AMAZING! She believed every word out of my mouth and tear out of my eyes. I was so convincing, that she told me of my SECOND marriage to Paris on THURSDAY!! Father then came into my room with a smile that lit up the whole room. Mother then told Father that I was refusing marriage and his smile flipped faster then a pancake on a frying pan. He screamed and yelled and yelled and screamed... I just couldn't take it anymore!!! As soon as they were gone, I clung to nurse, desperate for help. She, however, was none. "Just marry him...for your families sake. Romeo is not here any longer anyway...and Paris is a fine man." Her words burned my ears. I needed someone who was reliable and that I could trust. Someone who already knew about my situation...Friar Laurence was the answer to all my needs. So, tomorrow, that is exactly where I am going...his cell.
With Love,
Our final goodbye's as Romeo descends off my balcony
Act 3 Scene 2 Lines 97 to 106
"Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?
Ah, poor my lord, what tongue shall smooth thy name,
When I, thy three-hours wide, have mangled it?
But, wherefore, villain, didst thou kill my cousin?
That villain cousin would have kill'd my husband.
Back, foolish tears, back to your native spring;
Your tributary drops belong to my woe,
Which you, mistaking, offer up to joy.
My husband lives, that Tybalt would have slain;
And Tybalt's dead, that would have slain my husband.
These lines were said in Act 3 Scene 2 by Juliet after the Nurse insults Romeo by wishing shame on him. We see Juliet's character changing even more. She is becoming closer and closer to Romeo when she quickly forgives Romeo for murdering her cousin. She instead flips the story and tells herself that if Romeo didn't kill Tybalt, then Romeo would be dead. She is moving away from her family and closer to Romeo. She is changing as a character.
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