Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here's the Plan...

Dear Diary,

I just got back from Friar Laurence's cell...I don't have much time to talk but I do have time to tell you what happened today.

I met the Friar in his cell, but horribly...Paris was there. Could it get any worse!? He looked at me like we had been married for 25 years. It was horrible! Then he started to talk about! I almost lost it, but being the actress that I am, I kept my cool. He left, thankfully, and I got to discus my current dire situation with the Friar. I told him very clearly, that if he couldn't help me...then I would have to help myself with a sword through my heart. This would be better then if I had to marry Paris. He then told me a plan... and gave me a vile. "It is a sleeping potion," he said. 'Take it and your will be 'dead' for 2 days." This made my stomach turn. Fake dead! My hands became cold and clammy. My face turned pale and my heart was beating at 100 miles an hour. He then said to me that I was going to have to use my newly found acting skills and apologize to my father. I then was going to have to go alone in my room and toss this horrible liquid to the back of my throat. I walked home slowly, dragging my feet the entire way, dreading the upcoming events.

I got home, greeted by my father. I then, pretending I was a famous actress, lied to my father(quite well if I do say so myself!). He then moved up the wedding!!! This was almost impossible to keep my cool for. I just smiled at him and like a broken record, just kept saying 'thank you'. There is not much else to say.

So her I am...alone in my room. The Nurse and mother are gone, father is gone, my family is gone. I am not sure if I will see any of them ever again, but if I can see Romeo then it will all be worth it. I am so scared. What if it's poison or doesn't work? What if I wake up and no one is there? I am all alone...abandoned? All my work for nothing? What if the Friar is going to slip up and tell my secret...I will have to marry Paris when I wake up anyway!!! What if I never see my Romeo again! My heart is beating like a humming birds wings, and my head throbs with questions and concerns. I wonder what my father will think? My mother? Nurse? I must gather courage from somewhere... Romeo...Romeo...Romeo... give me courage. I raise this vile to you, and only you.

With Love,
P.S. I won't be able to write for a while, considering that I will be in a deep sleep( hopefully). I will write in you as soon as I am with Romeo.
XOXO Juliet

Act 4 Scene 1 Lines 86 to 88

"Things that, to hear then told, have made me tremble;

And I will do without fear or droubt,

To live an unstain'd wife to my sweet love."

These lines were said during Act 4 Scene 1 when Juliet is speaking to Friar Laurence making her feeling's clear about how she feels about marrying Paris. She tells us that she would face her greatest fears to be with Romeo. This shows character development because she is willing to do things that she is afraid of doing and never wanted to do...but she will do them so she can be faithful to Romeo. She is being very mature because of the way that she is willing to take on her fears to be with her husband forever, Romeo.

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