Monday, November 17, 2008

The Happiest Day of My LIFE!

Dear Diary,

Today was by far, the happiest, greatest, most spectacular day of my entire almost 14 years!!! ROMEO AND I ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE!!! I know it sounds a bit far fetched...considering I just met him not even twenty four hours ago.... Let me explain the ENTIRE thing. I was just sitting on my balcony outside my room...moping and groaning about Romeo. After all, he is a Montague... we were never going to be aloud to be together. Anyway, I was just mumbling to myself, when Romeo jumped out of the bushes and scared me so badly my heart skipped a beat. (It was either that, or just seeing his glowing face in the moonlight...he is so dreamy.) He told me how much he loved me as well! I was so happy to hear that, but I did not want to rush things. He was like a reflection of an angel in the romantic moonlight. I couldn't help myself and changed my mind... I was instantly in love. I told him that if he really did love me, then he would have us married. I could tell that he really meant it when he agreed. :) I was so excited! I said goodnight for the 100th time and then went to bed. (This was right after the party and it had to be at least 4:30 AM...I was pooched!) Before Romeo left, he said that he would send some news at 9:00AM and as you can imagine, I was pretty excited!

I sent the nurse at 9:00 the next morning just as Romeo asked, and I had been waiting for what seemed to be 1200 hours! (It turned out to be just 12:30!) When she finally got back, I had to literally pull the information out of her, because she wouldn't give it to me!! I had to sooth her, and massage her and sweet talk her before she would give me anything. I of course eventually got the news and when I heard that it was news of marriage...I was so happy! :) Nurse then proceeded to tell me that Romeo said to skip shrift and go to Friar Laurence's cell so we could be married! I could have hugged her till her head popped right off her body! I thanked her and then went to get ready for the ceremony!
I was in Friar Laurence's cell with Romeo; he was holding my hand and I was holding his. I then realized at that moment that I was with the person that Fate had put me with. I was incredibly thankful and happy. Romeo and I kissed, and 'presto!' I am Mrs. Montague! It has a nice ring doesn't it...JULIET MONTAGUE!!
So, that is why today will always and forever, be the best day of my life. It is the day I was engaged and married to the man I will love and hold forever. I am finally his.

With Love,

My Balcony (Where I proposed to Romeo!)

Act 2 Scene 5 Line 54

"Sweet, sweet, sweet nurse, tell me, what say my love?"

This line was said during Act 2 Scene 5 by Juliet. Juliet is having a conversation with the nurse about Romeo, who is referred to here as 'my love'. This line is important because it shows the quick development of our character, Juliet. By her saying this line, we know that she is in love with Romeo because she refers to him as her love. About a day ago, she wouldn't have called anyone her love. By her saying this lie to Romeo, it tells us that Juliet is madly in love with Romeo and this is not just a 'moment' that she is having.

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